There’s a lot of talk about generations in the workplace, and that’s good, employers and employees alike need to understand the various generations and focus on supporting and enhancing each other’s strong points – but that’s not the crux of the future. The top generational issue involves leadership. As the mass baby-boomer-retirement moves forward, Millenials are stepping into their leadership shoes. The question is – are your millennial employees ready and willing to take on the role of leadership?   Is your company ready for millennial leadership?

Consider these statistics about Millenials from a survey conducted by and Virtuali.

  • 91% (of which 52% were women) aspire to be leaders.
  • 43% of those seeking leadership want to empower others.
  • 5% or less are motivated by money or personal power.
  • 63% of aspiring Millennial leaders seek a transformational style of leadership.
  • >50% believe that communication and relationship are both personal strengths and two of the most important leadership skills for leadership.
  • >40% recognize that their weakest leadership skills involve industry experience and technical expertise.

So, in answer to “Are your millennial employees ready and willing to take on the role of leadership?”

Yes, many are willing, but no they aren’t ready. Interestingly, they are the first to recognize their weaknesses. They want to learn – especially through online classes (24/7 connection is their middle name) and through mentoring – they respect and appreciate successful Baby Boomers, who are willing to teach them the ropes.

Of course, this leads to the second question, “Is your company ready for millennial leadership?

Many are not – but here’s your opportunity to change your course and successfully “pass the leadership baton.” Consider these four pillars.

It begins with healthy recruiting: When you are filling a role – even at entry level – don’t focus only on education, skills, and experience. Consider personality traits and leadership potential. If you rarely hire potential, you won’t build up a leadership base.

Engage your employees: Create a company culture that not only attracts but also retains potential.

  • Host an environment that promotes opportunities for growth and advancement.
  • Give meaning and purpose to positions within the company.
  • Be involved in your local community and globally – make a difference.
  • Place priority work-life balance.

Connect your employees between generations: Your future millennial leaders want to learn – so provide training.

  • Create mentorships between Baby Boomers, who will soon be retiring and Millennials who want to step into their shoes.
  • Offer in-house
  • Encourage participation in webinars, conferences, etc.
  • Build up soft skills, such as building relationships, managing conflict, problem-solving, motivating others, and emotional intelligence.
  • Give your millennial employees opportunities to move around the company and gain a wider perspective of your goals, motivations, and purpose.

Provide multiple opportunities for healthy feedback:  Sadly, people can be connected 24/7 and yet never truly relate.

  • Create teams of mentor groups and host friendly competitions – this will strengthen the ties and enhance the mentoring relationship.
  • Set up regular one-on-one times between the mentor and mentee.
  • When your “potential leaders” participate in learning opportunities, have them connect with their mentor for advice, encouragement, etc.

Companies who recognize the tremendous strengths in their millennial employees and provide training to build up their weaknesses will reap a high ROI. The transition from Baby Boomer to Millennial Leadership will not be without a few bumps, but the overall ride will be a smoothly successful.

At Robbins Staffing Solutions, we listen to our clients – whether they have current open positions or are simply looking forward and considering potential future needs. We focus on connecting them with candidates who will step into leadership with ease when the time arises. Connect with us today – we are your first-call staffing firm in the Charlottesville, VA area.