Temporary Employment continues to rise. In fact, according to New Data from Quarterly ASA Staffing Employment and Sales Survey, the number of staffing company temp employees reach a 15-year high in the third quarter of 2015. While many of these employees enjoy the flexibility and variety of a temp job, many others are hoping to turn their temp job into a permanent job. If you’re part of this camp, here are some helpful hints for making it happen.

At the top of the list: treat your temp job as if it were a permanent one. Take responsibility for your tasks and give them your best effort. Stick with it until the job is done. Look for ways to go a step beyond what’s required.

Research the company: Make sure you understand what the company does, what is their mission statement? How does your work – even though it’s temporary – contribute to the big picture? What can you do to support company goals? If you can’t be “proud and supportive” of the company brand as a temp, why would they want you on a permanent basis? 

Be the kind of worker that companies value: Be dependable – show up on time, every time. Maintain a positive attitude. Do your best work. Follow company guidelines – the written ones and the unspoken. Be a problem solver. Own up to your mistakes and find a corrective solution. Be willing to ask for help when you need it, but also show initiative.

Be a team player: I know, you’ve heard this over and over again – because it’s crucial. Getting along with your coworkers, being able to collaborate and work together for a common goal is an essential soft skill at every level. Treat everyone, regardless of diversity, with respect and kindness – the way you want to be treated. Establishing relationships with your coworkers, especially full-time coworkers can make a significant difference. You never know where the network of relationships you build on your temp job will take you permanently.

Communicate: Express your desire for permanent work with your staffing agency. Pay attention to both internal job postings and your agency’s job board. Keep your eyes and ears open on the job, of course, but always connect through your staffing agency. You have been sent to do your best at your temp job. Campaigning for a permanent position when you should be focusing on a task can backfire.

Keep learning: Pay attention to skills needed for various openings. Be willing to learn new skills. Take initiative and ask for training or signup for a class. Check out a training manual from the local library and gain a clearer understanding or, at least, gather background information.

Be flexible and available. If asked to fill in extra hours to cover an absentee employee, consider it an opportunity. If they need to work a different department for a few hours or days, consider it free education. Show the boss that you’re serious about your work and ready to broaden your skill scope. 

Treat every day as if you are going in for an interview. Dress appropriately. Be punctual, enthusiastic, honest, respectful . . . You get the picture. And absolutely, without fail, leave your mobile devices on off. Let them only be seen during breaks and never heard.

In the end, whether your temp job becomes permanent – or not; whether you want to stay or move on to another job at another place before settling down, follow these guidelines. Treat every job as an opportunity to grow professionally, to learn new skills, and to develop stronger character – it’s a surefire road to success.

At Robbins Staffing, we are always on the lookout for temp employees who work like they mean to stay. Our clients depend on the quality of our temp workers. Measure yourself against these standards, and if your fit the pattern, stop by and visit our office, or contact us online today. We want to meet you. Your placement in a job you love is our priority.