With the continual advancement of technology, our professional world is constantly changing. Adapting to these changes and growing with them takes strong leaders who can discern the value from the fad and smoothly incorporate it into their work. These tips will help you focus on building leadership that wins for your company. Look for employees (or potential employees) who:

Understand the Secret of Respect:

  • Respect must be earned – by integrity and transparency in both words and actions
  • Respect comes with not only instructing those beneath you how to carry out the task but by being willing to get in the trenches and share the load when necessary.
  • Respect is a two-way street. The leader who respects those beneath him will, in turn, be respected.

 Drop the Resistance Attitude:

  • It’s not about the “way we have always done it.” It’s about using the power of technology to improve the way we are doing it and preparing for the way of the future.
  • Consistently seek opportunities to build your skills and knowledge – especially technology.
  • Encourage your staff to do likewise. Recognize their personal gifts and encourage them to develop their strengths.

Excel in Communication:

  • Technology may constantly be changing our avenues of communication, but it doesn’t change the need for clarity in communication.
  • Confirm that your message is received and understood as it was intended.
  • Learn to use tools of communication – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. to your company’s advantage

Build Teamwork:

  • Technology doesn’t replace teamwork – it should enhance it
  • Create a work environment that connects team members and encourages connection. When team members share the vision and participate in decision-making, innovation flourishes.
  • Encourage delegations of responsibilities to match with skills, experience, and natural gifts – granting the appropriate authority to responsibility.

Give Recognition with Appreciation

  • The constant change in technology requires continual learning and adapting. It’s important to recognize the efforts your staff is making and express appreciation.
  • Be specific when giving thanks and include tangible rewards when appropriate.
  • Use technology to express thanks to your customers/clients as well as your staff.

While our ever-changing technology shapes our businesses and our leadership, the principles remain the same. Respect, open-mindedness, communication, teamwork, and Appreciation never grow out-of-date. As Grace Hopper said, “you don’t manage people, you manage things. You lead people.”

Maintaining strong leadership while moving forward with technology is essential for success. At Robbins Staffing, we encourage strong leadership built on the above principles. We understand that while technology continually changes the way we do things; it never changes the need for true leaders. We are committed to connecting our clients with candidates who will lead well. Don’t miss out. Contact us today.