Intentionally creating a culture that attracts and retains employees and customers is a core principle of company growth. In fact, a winning company culture is a key component to your company success. Of course, great culture doesn’t just happen. It won’t flourish unless you make laying a foundation and building on it a business priority.

So, how do you create an inviting culture that embraces your company vision and then runs with it, letting it spill over into your community? How can you ensure that your company will be known for its great culture? Consider these tips.

Start at the beginning. A building isn’t built without a blueprint and a solid foundation. It’s the same with your business culture.

  • Establish your vision. Write a company manifesto. Capture the essence of your culture in a statement of beliefs, articulating the key values and behaviors that you want to protect.
  • Incorporate your vision into you employee handbook, your job descriptions, and your performance review process.
  • Encourage employee participation. Ask staff for ideas to keep company culture where you want it. Help employees to grasp the importance of building and supporting a wining culture.

Design your office to enhance the culture you want to create.

  • Create areas that encourage interaction – areas for fun and social interaction and areas for brainstorming ideas.
  • Create areas that allow your employees to shut the door and focus without distraction.
  • Design your layout to encourage flow – make it convenient.
  • Bring in the light. A well-lit office creates a positive atmosphere
  • Make your employees comfortable and encourage personalization of their designated space

Make great hires. Your staff is your culture.

  • Hire employees who fit your culture. Skills are often easier to train than attitudes. According to Jazmin Truesdale, CEO, Mino Enterprises,

“The kind of people you hire will be the ones to contribute to your work environment. So make sure you’re hiring people who are professional, can work in a team and can contribute to a positive work environment, because one bad apple can spoil the bunch.”

  • In the same vein, get rid of toxic employees. One negative complainer can drain an entire office. 

Take care of the employees you keep

  • Make time for office fun
  • Celebrate the successes – and when a failed project, celebrate the effort
  • Say thank you – multiple times, in multiple ways
  • Share occasional meals – have a Tuesday morning company-wide break or Friday potluck lunches. It will build relationships and foster collaboration
  • Empower your employees – give them responsibility and the authority to carry it out.
  • Intentionally connect with your employees – in real face-time.
  • Maintain communication
  • Train new employees well – and provide opportunities for continued growth
  • Set high expectations – give them something to reach for, but don’t overload your employees. When it’s necessary, bring in temp help.

In the end, management sets the stage for company culture. Make building and protecting it your priority. It will pay off in rich dividends of engaged and retained employees, happy customers, and a growing bottom line. Contact Robbins Staffing Solutions. We connect companies who foster great culture with candidates who thrive in it.