The fight for top talent – especially in IT – is becoming more and more competitive. Every company utilizes IT and the talent shortage is affecting everyone in the workforce. What steps can companies take to stand the ground and close the gap?

Broaden your scope of requirements for open positions. Don’t’ just focus on specific skills and experience. Evaluate candidates on soft skills such as attitude, character, and potential to learn. The cost, both in time and money, of training a motivated worker who has the learning and skill capacity may often be far less than a lengthy search for the perfect talent, including sufficient compensation to engage, hire, and retain that talent.

Invest in your present staff by providing additional training and talent development. It may be in your best interest to train staff that are already connected, moving them forward, and then hiring additional entry-level staff. Develop a proactive strategy for increased training. Focus on building up present skills, filling in the gap with missing skills, and staying a step ahead of skills you have the potential to need in the future.

Search the under-tapped pools of talent such as military, women, baby boomers who are willing to delay retirement, and new graduates. Don’t stop there – develop programs that provide incentives to encourage an increase in stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) students – especially in said demographics. Offer scholarships in return for a specific work commitment. Invest in learning initiatives as young as junior high as a foundation for future STEM students.

Review your compensation/benefits policy and keep it updated to meet the demands of today’s market. Ensure that it is more than sufficient to attract, and retain appropriate talent.

Create a work culture that not only attracts new talent, but also retains present talent. Never fail to recognize and reward your staff – they are your most important asset.

Finally, connect with a reputable staffing company. Choose a company that:

  • Focuses on getting to know your company – understanding your needs and your culture. A great staffing company does not treat every client in a specific industry the same. They take the time to personally communicate with, and learn, each client, recognizing that no two are alike.
  • Utilizes multiple channels for seeking, and screening. They recognize that in a skill shortage, proactive searching, attracting, and connecting with both active and passive candidates – those with serious experience and skill, as well as those with innate potential – is critical.

Filling in the skills gap won’t happen quickly, but when companies and their staffing firms work together to face the issue, get to the root, and become proactive in solving the problem, we can make a difference.

Contact Robbins Staffing. We personalize our service for each client and diligently, proactively meet your specific needs. We bring passion, integrity, and experience as we work to close the gap.